“Porridge – Mein Treibstoff Zum Frühstück.” Reine Topfsache,
NEVER skip breakfast, it what should start your day and keeps your healthy lifestyle in check.
Avoid eating late night snacks, when it’s late in the night your metabolism
slows down so eating later can cause weight gain at a more drastic weight than day eating.
Don’t lose sleep, having at least 6 hours of sleep a night is crucial for appetite hormones to decrease,
one of such hormones is: ghrelin. This hormone causes weight gain when increased.
Eat greens; eating vegetables before anything else encourages similar behavior in the future and consequently,
you consume fewer calories.
Make sure you have a goal. Put in place a goal that is achievable and includes a deadline,
this will keep you motivated.
Schedule a cheat day, some may find it increasingly difficult to stay motivated, one way
to keep at it is to have a day when you can let loose, something that you can look forward to.
OBVIOUSLY, avoid eating to much of anything considered junk food, dessert foods (ie. cake, ice cream,
pudding, jello, etc.), and fast food. ALSO! try not to drink to many sodas or beverages that contain
high-fructose corn syrup either.